28 June 2015

Immigration as a weapon...

The basic premise of the ideas that follow is that any group that is being forced into parasitic agreements has a fundamental right to change the agreements with the intention to make it symbiotic. (This premise clearly exclude a change that intentionally result in any "new parasitic" agreement.)

The Idea...
It seems as if the job of any developed or self-sufficient country or group of people that is being overrun* by predominantly underdeveloped immigrants, making claims on their level of development is to act against the countries/groups from where the immigrants are coming.  If the countries that cannot care or retain their own people are using their own incompetence or "national un/attractiveness" as a weapon against developed or self-sufficient countries, then that "weapon of incompetence" must be neutralised by an ultimatum to become a development state - even under curatorship if need be**.  This seems to be the only viable option because the other logical options seem to be untenable... It include two obviously untenable options:
  1. Force the belligerent countries into an isolated reserve where people are allowed to live traditional pre-globalised, pre-industrial lives without any outside interference...
  2. Annihilation...

*"Overrun" implies a situation that is parasitic to the extent that it cannot be absorbed and locally turned into symbiotic relationships that sustain existing prosperity, development, culture and language.

**It should be acknowledged that some levels of incompetence to create a development state or becoming self-sufficient is in part due to external interference even, by groups or organisation that operate from developed countries or even as non-national or internationalised entities... If this is the case then the solution by creating a development state requires this bad influences also to be neutralised.

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