15 August 2017

The way things are in South Africa.

The challenge South Africa faces, might be useful for other nations to consider.

This is simply the way things are in South Africa. 

White South Africa ceded power, to a post-apartheid inclusive government, in 1994, in order to stop blacks from killing each other and wrecking progressive institutions like schools, housing and local community businesses - predominantly within the largest and most vulnerable demographic unit of the country - Black South Africa.  This strategy was planned by, or on behalf of, the ANC and they called the self-destruction the "People's War", full well knowing that the global community will pressure the "apartheid government" to cede power because it was presented as the "only solution" to the "ungovernable" black masses.

Those same "master minds" and/or "master executioners" of the self-destructive "People's War" are still openly destroying the remaining progressive systems in South Africa, simply because they still want to complete the socialist effort of the destruction of progressive civilised communities - in the hope that some fantastic socialist society will rise from the destruction. The only difference now is that the global community has, for some reason, turned against this continued destruction of wealth. Maybe it is also because all the past and present socialist experiments are still prime examples of the destruction of civilised existence - with Venezuela the most recent example.

With this in mind, the question remains, what will it take to halt the current destruction of wealth and civilised living in South Africa?

Without knowing the answer, at least one lesson is clear... To gain power in a modern nation you simply need to make the global community belief that a large enough portion of the society is ungovernable, regardless of the methods you use to achieve that state of conviction. The reward will be some new kind of control over the government and all wealth creating systems! For those idealists who think democracy is the de facto nexus of this kind of power... Please show where democracy requires the voting mases to be governable, progressive or civilised?

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