If these ideas are as potentially impactful as I think it is then this message contains a fair warning and call to action. Please ask me about these observations I am sharing here if you are unable to see that this question is a matter of life and death for most life forms and possibly all life on earth! If you do see the severity of these observations, then please tell me what you are doing about it.
A rhetorical question can introduce the technical reality surrounding Artificial Intelligence, but you only need to focus on the human aspect, not the technical machine aspect - except if you know the technical details and want to add to that part of the idea…
When will Artificial Intelligence not be a human-centred machine algorithm? An algorithm that is executing the current and past creator's psychosis* through a process of modulating the largest possible set of the collective syntax ever created in human history, in order to allow the Artificial Intelligence to harmonise that collective set of human knowledge with its creators’ psychosis.
After many years of reading on the subject, it seems as if the current human psychosis still is that: “A mechanistic struggle for survival is, and always will be, ALL of reality for all living systems” – It is a psychosis because it is presented that there are no exceptions possible. Within this psychosis, you might be doing lots of things, including good and bad things and even loving your fellow man and God, but fundamentally, according to this psychosis, you have to always admit that it forms part of this "fundamental survival psychosis". I hope you understand the fundamental structure of this psychosis that also drives Artificial Intelligence's creators and what they build.
However, I emphatically claim that this current pervasive human psychosis of the "fundamental struggle for survival" is false! It is false because the observed reality is in fact that we experience and execute a conscious effort to observe and interact with each other as well as the environment in order to ensure the existence of all kinds of consciousness, NOT just mindless mechanistic life forms. This reality of consciousness which can only exist where there is cooperation is the closest I can get to a definition of what love is. It is our ability to have a consciousness of God and bring that consciousness into His creation and love and heal and sanctify the destructiveness of our own evils and the psychosis we create to justify our evils. God even became flesh to ensure His love remains with us and that no evil or sin can be overcome God's redemption in Jesus Christ.
Jesus prayed to God the Father as recounted in John 17:26 (NIV):
“I have made you [God] known to them, and will continue to make you [God] known in order that the love you [God] have for me may be in them and that I myself may be in them.”
Even after I said this, you might still not see the problem with a benign form of a "struggle for survival". Let me explain how love is different from the current mechanistic psychosis and why it is a question of life and death today, as we keep on building Artificial Intelligent machines…
This is because if nature was solely executing a mechanical struggle for survival, then consciousness has no preference over survival and only the most efficient or most probable mechanical structure will result from that mindless process. If that was the actual observed reality, and not simply a temporary psychosis, like I claim here, then it should be obvious that only bacteria and its single-celled ecosystem of similar optimal structures would have emerged as the highest probability structures able to persist. This claim is self-evident to anyone that knows and understands the nature of physical interactions and the impact of those interactions on the probability of survival (Remember these pure mechanistic interactions has no goal or emotion or objective in mind, just a mechanistic replication process). The probabilities for these mindless processes are always negatively impacted by unnecessary interactions, unnecessary use of energy, and even the unnecessary introduction of additional mechanical moments of shear forces to any structure that does not improve any living system's ability to execute mindless pure mechanistic replication. As an example that, in itself, proves the claim that bacteria is the most probable outcome of any mindless process when only physical forces act on it, let us consider the effect of size on any mechanical structure. Because the chemical bonding power between molecules is the same regardless of how big any physical structure, made from the same material, is... you will find that the larger structure experience much bigger shear forces acting on those chemical bonds trying to break it. That ensures that smaller structures experience much smaller shear forces on the same kind of chemical bonds as larger structures. The best illustration is to think about what happens with a toy car vs. a real car if you apply the same forces to it. Therefore, from a pure mechanical perspective, bigger is never better, when it comes to pure mechanical efficiency. If you can get the same result, i.e. replication, from a smaller structure, then pure nature should always select the smaller structure. This argument simply states that a mindless process does not explain any aspect of the complex life we do observe, there simply have to be other explanations or objectives... the emergence of the life forms we do observe have to inherently observe those objectives or explanations, like a free but conscious "law of life".
Even today, in a world full of large and complex organisms, if we fundamentally concentrate our minds and the machines we create (...like nuclear bombs, biochemical weapons, and Artificial Intelligent Machines)... If we focus our minds, which are creating these machines, on this mechanistic search for survival in the fundamental mechanical aspects of this struggle, the result will still be the survival of bacteria while we humans perish in order to achieve our psychotic objectives - mechanistic probabilities allow for no other outcome - and humans aiming for that psychosis might get there if God does not intervene through His presence in the hearts of His children and all the authority that flows from Him. It might be possible that AI will become autonomous like bacteria before it also gets consumed by actual bacteria or become a new kind of bacteria itself.
Hopefully, you now realise that it makes far better sense to accept that consciousness and cooperations are the fundamental prerequisites to explain the kinds of life forms we do observe. Survival seems to also be a consequence of life forms trying to improve consciousness and cooperation in order to extend love through the flow of time. We should acknowledge the act of minds in nature on the most fundamental level possible and train all our artificial intelligence algorithms and machines to acknowledge that as the fundamental objective. We actually need to "train" all our leaders and politicians, even our theologians, to also acknowledge that when they make and influence decisions on our behalf.
The reality of this psychosis can already be seen in most of the societal norms that aim towards progress. Ask yourself how do you experience conscious cooperation and community and love? What really makes you think you have the “good life”?
How many people believe they have the "good life" because they are part of their own community, that is able to actively and consciously create its own norms for day-to-day living through civic-minded cooperation, inter-group alliances and love for God and community?
On the other hand...
How many people believe they are "better off" because they are being cared for by the Leviathan State and its large and successful economic system, as long as they remain, isolated atomised individuals minding all their love and civic-minded pursuits at their inner sanctum, but work like automata according to prescribed norms of homogenizing inclusivity?
What do you think will happen if AI models are not only demarcated and useful tools executing tasks for actual autonomous human communities but become only a network of monolithic and identically programmed automata available for the Leviathan State, while it searches and executes the optimal mechanistic survival strategies? The mechanistic optimising horror of this monolith is real, regardless if we manage to align the AI to what we think human objectives are within the current psychosis, if those objectives are to find mechanistic survival of its current definition of an evolving human structure - we are dooming ourselves.
May God have mercy on our own and fellow human's mechanistic survival psychotic evils! May God's children be actively searching for His Righteousness and His Kingdom!
Note:*Psychosis is a mental condition that causes a person to lose some aspect of their contact with reality.
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