11 August 2023

Blood and sacrifice.


I see the modern world has lost connection with nature and the way humans throughout all the ages have experienced nature and God. When you see a pride of lions devouring its prey, usually it is rather bloody and awful for modern human sensibilities. The fact is that is the most natural thing, and if you believe in God or not, that is Nature, the very nature that most atheists believe to be the way Richard Dawkins describes it, "... no design, no purpose, no evil, no good, nothing but pitiless indifference" - yet modern atheists cannot see any spiritual significance in nature's blood and sacrifice... Modern atheists seem to have the most unnatural outlook on nature, when it comes to blood and sacrifice - on the one hand they worship it as the origin of species and on the other hand they reject all meaning it might have when it points to God's ultimate sacrifice. Especially today they deny God's existence because of pain and suffering, while they worship it as their own explanatory idol.

The Christian view of blood and gore is that all blood and life are precious and need to achieve those precious objectives. Throughout the process of creation, God-focused change towards His objectives. No prey who feeds its fellow bacteria during the first part of creation or today's prey that feeds the lions are useless or meaningless suffering, it is precious to life and to God. Do Christians really make sense of this reality or do we have a Eden view that had no predators and prey? I think it is not a sound point of view for one reason in particular. We cannot deny God's intentions for communion and sanctification to be fundamental, even during our time in the Garden of Eden. Our relationship with God is perfect, because we have communion and are able to sanctify all we free are to be in relationship with God. This should then explain the fall of man in a much deeper sense as our rebellion and complete disconnect from our communion with God. That rebellion certainly could have had physical impacts on the nature of our relationship with the blood and sacrifice that is supposed to lead to communion with God. It might have rendered the blood and sacrifice meaningless when it became disconnected from our communion with God. And the entire universe has pain and suffering because of that. But note that it does not remove the pure wonder and intentions God have with blood and sacrifice. Making sense of the lion's lunch then becomes natural to see that all organisms that celebrate the symphony of life are there to increase our consciousness of each other and of God. All physiological and psychological processes prove that to be the case. In the biggest challenges and struggles (physically and psychologically) our senses and emotions seem to go into overdrive... but not only for blind pitiless reasons, but still searching for perfect communion with God! It is for that reason that those who focus their struggle for survival on the "blind pitiless" realities might not be able to make sense of human suffering or how it leads and has led since all ages in all communities to spiritual enlightenment and connection with God - these are historical facts - people and all living creatures seek communion with God since the moment God created humans. Just think how precious are all life, just because of this property? God speaks in such a way to ensure that we will not perish or go out of existence if we are confronted with all His power and authority. He speaks in a way that always makes communion with Him possible, no matter if the lion is mindlessly feasting on you... The ultimate proof of this is and for eternity be Jesus Christ's perfect blood and sacrifice... That perfect and eternal process of sanctification restored! No drop of blood or millisecond of suffering will ever be meaningless, because of Christ's blood and sacrifice. It is the power of God!
Communion with God is the objective. You can accept that communion with God or reject it... it is up to you. You can release your self-communion, self-love rationalisations of your rejection of God onto the world - onto nature, it is up to you. But God and Nature as God create and sustains it, will reject your objectives of destruction. God will keep on speaking through all of His Creation. It is just foolish that you think your rationalisations have anything other in mind than to increase your consciousness of God calling gently on you.

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