15 June 2020

This Anti-Ethnic Empire of ours.

Since the cold war almost everyone tacitly knew that modern nation-state geopolitics and globalist economics will eventually kill this planet and most probably humanity first.  A liberal and/or socialist and/or theocratic nation-state based on cosmopolitan anti-ethnic politics is in practice and by nature, an imperial network of power that ensures atomised individuals form part of a global empire of zombified subjects, all trying to attain some form of absolute individualistic identity and pure consumerist success.  While the imperial power structures, try to achieve absolute control over all individual successes and freedoms, through whichever power is available, even using the liberal laissez-faire ideas of market controls... even using the Christian commitment to the universal salvation of believers. This is not a modern reality of empires but has been the case for many kinds of empires today and in the past.  However, there have been times when empire made way for sovereign ethnic existence with modern civilised interactions.  These sovereign ethnic groups have formed successful states and stood diametrically opposed to empire until they are co-opted into a new or existing empire*.

Therefore, opposed to the anti-ethnic empire of ours, there is the fundamental reality of an ethnic collaboration-state that can be a truly free sovereign state where ethnicity is nurtured and is naturally based on proven, given & chosen, socially agreed identity, from where ethnic individuals can act and fully be part of a local and even global freely formed interrelationship of other ethnic nation-states**.  Ethnic groups, by definition, are the instantiation of the true social identity of an inherently social being, like a human, who fundamentally wants to pour his or her individualistic creative experiences of freedoms into the love and natural togetherness with the people they directly live with.  From direct togetherness follows wholeness that can translate into the love of other communities (specifically ethnically diverse ventures) who are civilised because they are also allowed and encouraged to love their interactions with other ethnic groups just as much as they love their own ethnic group.

The modern imperial effort to generate synthetic proxies for true society can be seen in many commercial ventures or organizations, that is overtly anti-ethnic, in the sense that no ethnicity is allowed to act out their unique behaviours when they experience alienation from their group's values.  An acute symptom of this can be seen in victim-based identity politics that see individuals according to their individualistic properties like race, sex, income etc.  In the anti-ethnic empire of ours, these efforts to create synthetic proxies for ethnicity have been tested and found to only allow for individualistic isolated actors contributing some form of socially destructive skill and hedonistic intentions, while still trying to act as inherently socialising beings, making the noises of togetherness, but actually trying to eat each other’s brains.

The awareness of true ethnic identity is far more than any individual traits, like race, sex, intellect or motivations, isolated economic drives or base survival instincts.  Ethnicity is the kind of all-encompassing true and most directly felt togetherness that extends to your given and more importantly chosen groups.

What the Homo Economicus experiment of the Globalised world is doing is to kill your choice by killing your ethnicity, starting with families and also destroying nations and any form of ethnic reality and only allowing you to have economic meaning, not wholeness in any group, but economically instantiated beings***.

*(Please note that empire is not the container of a civilisation.  Specific human behaviour forms a civilization and can be found in many forms apart from an empire... It has been tested and proven since ancient times.  Use the Classical Greeks as an example.)
**(Civilised interrelationships have always optimised the methods of sharing and caring for resources, using all available social innovations of any kind.)
***(I will argue the fact that we are not able to be Homo Economicus somewhere else. In short, I will make two points; Homo Economicus does not describe any vital part of human's essential being and I also claim economics to be the consequence and not the cause of human societies.)

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